Objective of COFUND
The COFUND action provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development, through co-funding mechanisms. It spreads the MSCA’s best practices by promoting high standards and excellent working conditions. COFUND promotes sustainable training and international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.
Who can apply?
A single legal entity in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country applies. Additional partners can be included in the project.
The types of organisations COFUND may work with include
- government entities
- regional authorities
- funding agencies
- universities
- research organisations
- enterprises
A beneficiary can receive a maximum of €10 million per call.
Seals of Excellence will be awarded to applications with a total score equal to or higher than 85%, but which cannot be funded due to lack of budget available under the call.
Candidates wishing to apply for PhD and postdoctoral positions under COFUND should apply to funded COFUND projects by consulting their open vacancies advertised internationally, including on the EURAXESS portal.
Types of COFUND
There are 2 types of COFUND:
- Doctoral Programmes. They offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences. They will lead to the award of a doctoral degree.
- Postdoctoral Programmes. They fund individual advanced research training and career development fellowships for postdoctoral researchers.
What does the funding cover?
COFUND projects should last for up to five years and should recruit at least 3 researchers.
COFUND funding helps host organisations cover for each supported researcher
- a fixed amount (COFUND allowance) equivalent to the minimum salary that researchers should receive. This allowance can be used to support any cost items of the programme.
- a long-term leave allowance and special needs allowance, if applicable
Researchers involved in COFUND projects
- can be of any nationality (nationals or long-term residents of an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country, in case the main part of a Postdoctoral Fellowship is carried out in a non-associated Third Country)
- are supported during a minimum of 3 months
- should comply with the mobility rules: in general, they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation or implementing partner for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the deadline of the co-funded programme's call
- can go on short term secondments
- for COFUND Doctoral Programmes
- must not have a doctoral degree
- should be enrolled in a doctoral programme during the project
- for COFUND Postdoctoral Programmes
- must have a doctoral degree. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered as postdoctoral researchers and will be considered eligible to apply.
- should not already be permanently employed by the organisation hosting them